Title A Comparative Study between District Planning and Urban Design in Practice
Authors 안건혁
Page pp.221-229
ISSN 12269093
Abstract Recently, localization of urban planning has been the hottest issue in the urban planning process. Particularly, the District Planning by local government is very important for the quality of urban planning. In Korea, 'Urban Design Regulation' has been introduced to the Building Code and practiced since 1980, and recently 'District Planning System' has been adopted by the department of urban planning. However, so far, each of these two legal systems has shown no differences at all, despite of differernt backgrounds and promotional statements, which confuse many planners and architects as well as government officials. This is because that two planning systems have competed for a long time, and assimilated each other, instead of differentiated. The urban conditions to be dealt with and the professionals are the same. However, there must be some kind of differences between two systems in order for both to survive as an effective planning mechanism. On the behalf of District Planning, the issues here are how to differentiate with urban design, and what method should be taken. This is a study to deal with these issues and suggest a way to optimize the planning method of the district planning.