Title A Field Survey and an Evaluation Experiment of the Luminous Environment in Atrium Spaces
Authors 이진숙 ; 임오연 ; 김원도
Page pp.231-238
ISSN 12269093
Abstract The aim of this study is to understand physical properties of the existing atrium and extract its problem by making the existing atrium spaces an object of field-survey and evaluation experiment. This study is composed of four steps. First, typical types among the existing atrium buildings are selected for carrying out field survey. Second, the evaluation construct model of atrium spaces are obtained by using the Repertory-Grid Developmental Method and evaluation factors contains physiological as well as psychological comfort of resident. Third, the SD(Semantic Differential) Method based on evaluation factors extracted from above second step's experiment are carried out through testee's field survey on each typical types of atrium. Then, factor axis which represent physiological and psychological comfort are extracted by Factor Analysis. Around evaluation factor's scoring factor points obtained by each factor axises, effects and problems on comfort from physical properties of the existing atrium are extracted. Finally, based on the results from above steps' analysis, evaluation factors and range of physical units for following studies, namely model experiment, are determined.