Title An Experimental Study on the Indoor Thermal Environment of a Green House without Heating in Winter Season : Focusing on Cheju Island
Authors 최동호 ; 허종철 ; 임종환 ; 조은숙
Page pp.249-258
ISSN 12269093
Abstract It is very important to control indoor thermal environment in a green house. Uncomfortable indoor thermal environment due to low or high temperature, humidity, solar radiation, air distribution, etc. have sometimes occurred in a green house. These problems have a serious effect upon reducing the amount of agricultural production and quality, etc. In this paper, full scale experiments are carried out precisely in order to examine the performance of air distribution without heating at a green house in Cheju, and we describe the results. Two types of experiments are examined, i.e. the condition of double skin insulation and three-fold insulation. Through analyzing these two cases, we obtained some valuable data about the trend of indoor thermal environment-facts. These data will be used usefully to design better green houses by removing the problems. ① We could not find a difference of indoor air distribution between the double skin insulation and three-fold insulation condition. ② Indoor air distributions are greatly influenced by the quantity of solar radiation and outdoor temperature without heating in winter season.