Title A Study on Architectural Elements of historical materials of Architectural Fine Arts during 8~12Century in Korea
Authors 윤희상 ; 박언곤
Page pp.113-125
ISSN 12269093
Abstract The purpose of this study is to connect the technics and form from ancient to Korea Dynasty. But in these period there is no buildings remains but paintings, fine arts, and stupas. In these historical materials there are many architectural form and signature revealings, so as a result of these analysis, l)The building showed in paintings of Silla, and Korea Dynasty reflect the architectural style in their own Dynasty. 2)In detail, the architecture of Silla and Korea Dynasy was connected with Chinese architecture Liao, Song. But from the 8Century Koreans were succeeded the one of SiIIa Dynasty and had its originility in architectural style. S)The architectursl style in Silla and Korea Dynasty were very various and very rich content. And we must more serious study of historical materiaIs so that we improve the ancient and middle age of architcture in Korea.