Title Thermal Performance of Exterior Wall Equipped with Air Vent System
Authors 신우철 ; 장문석 ; 유헌형 ; 민정현
Page pp.167-174
ISSN 12269093
Abstract In this study, theoretical analysis is performed to predict the characteristics of the transmission heat load through the building envelopes. Exterior wall equipped with air vent system is utilized in energy conservation as an effective design technique. From the results of this study, following conclusions are summarized. It is effective that double wall equipped with air vent system faces west, south west or north_west. Cavity width and thickness of thermal storage layers does not affect the cooling load reduction but thickness of insulation layer is known to an important design factor. As exterior wall thickness has limitation in building construction on the whole, so it needs proper consideration in determining layer thickness. Appropriate choice of finishing material of exterior wall surface and cavity suface reduces the thermal load, so heat flux through the double wall system is decreased to 4l-71%