Title A Study on Prediction of Daylighting by Light Duct in Atrium Perimeter Occuped Zone
Authors 이성주 ; 최인창 ; 김회서
Page pp.183-191
ISSN 12269093
Abstract In the future light environment plan, Atrium building need to be propelled the new environment plan and technical examination in relation to how much daylight can be inducted into the space of atrium through inside aisle, which is called P.0.Z ( PErimeter Occupied Zone). The purpose of this paper is to propose the equal distribution of in P.0. Z, and the basic design plan using horizontaI duct, which can be inducted daylight into inside of P.0.Z As the results of this research ,①1t is approximated the illuminance ratio measured result from real building and model experiment. ②The Light Duct near 'C' Iine get high illuminance ratio and Light Duct must be Iocated in inside intervaI of 2M. ③According to the analysis of result, light duct system should be design 50cm-high horizontal duct and 30' angled reflection part.