Title A Study on The Evaluation of Interior Atmosphere in Atrium by Sunlighting Control System
Authors 김정태 ; 정유근
Page pp.201-208
ISSN 12269093
Abstract This study aims to evaluate the daily and seasonal sunlighting atmosphere of atrium by glass colors and transmittances. For the purpose, the l/50 scale model of one-sided atrium was made and the model experiment was carried out under the clear sky. The results are as follows , ① Sunlighting atmosphere of atrium was seasonally varied. In Spring, vivid atmosphere was created. In Summer, direct radiation caused discomfort, so sunlight control systems could be applied. While the supplementary lighting was required in winter daytime. ② Sunlighting atmosphere of atrium mainly relied on the variation of azimuth angle rather than solar altitude due to outside obstacles. ③ The open and dynamic atmosphere of atrium is damaged less than 60% of glass transmittance during all seasons. ④ Movable sunlighting control system roll screens was suggested as an alternative to maintain optium visual environment. It was very effective sunlighting control system for daily and seasonal variation and the tansmittance 70-80% of screen was recommended to keep the open and dynamic atmosphere of atrium.