Title A Subjective Evaluation Study on Building Exterior Materials
Authors 김상호 ; 박영기
Page pp.109-117
ISSN 12269093
Abstract This study investigated to the dwellers' subjective evaluation on the building exterior materials. For this purpose, We select five common exterior materials; such as bare concrete, granite, brick aluminum panel, timber and eight building samples used these exterior materials. H the evaluation experiment, two experimental groups are established. The one is professional group, and the other is common group. According to this evaluation experiment, bare concrete is recognized simple, strong, and calm material but not intimate and satisfying. Aluminum panel is recognized modern, brilliant progressive, and sharp material. Timber is recognized vital, satisfying, beautiful, graceful, and weak material. But the rest two materials have not distinctive characteristics. In the analysis of the comparition between professional and common group, we could find out obvious distinction in the case of bare concrete and the professional group is more preferable.