Title A Study on the Characteristics of Street Patterns in Public Multi-Family Housing Estates
Authors 오수호 ; 양동양
Page pp.135-142
ISSN 12269093
Abstract This study aims to analyze the characteristics of street patterns in public multi_family housing estates. For achieving this purpose. It is selected that .566 sample case has been designed by Korea National Housing Corporation from 1987 to 1996 .And street patterns are classified into six classes ; Tree pattern Loop pattern. Straight passing pattern, Bendy passing pattern, Ring road pattern LooF & Bendy passing pattern. These are to analyze the main street pattern and the characteristics of street patterns. The key points of this study. Are as follows: 1. Tree pattern is numerous street pattern in row_rise & row_density housing estate. On the other hand Bendy passing pattern is superior numbers to another in high_rise & high__density housing site. 2. Street patterns in housing estate have correlation with e.rternal road patterns. Therefore careful consideration is necessary to make external road pattern at the previous step of landuse & traffic network 3. Also this study shows the correlation of street pattern between important factors; street area ratio, the area of street. F1oor area ratio. Density plottage area and the number of households.