Title A Study on the Architectural Space Formation through the Concept of Plot :
Authors 이경훈
Page pp.97-105
ISSN 12269093
Abstract Individual events(sets of elements) are converted to a single event(set of elements) through plot: the planning strategy for the disposition of events. Understanding the form of pIot can be a clue to understand the way of design which guarantees to make the 'sets of ideas' between different levels of human life a perfect wholeness to hit the architert's 'one single set of ideas' Clarifying 1) The concept of plot which lras ruled the arrangement of elements for the wholeness 2) Its various prototypes with architectural meanings 3) The interpretation of space formation through the application of plot concept is done for the purpose of this paper. FinaIIy, the various forms of plot can be treated as a generator so's to make the concept in mind come true in real world with being a architctural entity is suggested after analyzing four representational space to verify the plot form as a useful tool for interpretation of making the architectural space by an architect.