Title A Study on the Profitability Analysis of the Public Rental Housing
Authors 양정필 ; 최무현 ; 최주영
Page pp.175-183
ISSN 12269093
Abstract The main purpose of this study is to analyze and evaluate the profitability of the public rental housing for feasibility verification. The public rental housing has been supplied for 'middle-low' income class under the 'publicly-assisted, privately- supplied' system and played a important role in making a stability of huusing life The results of this study are as follows: I. The profitability of the public rental housing is differed very much by regional division(geup-ji) 2. As considering the profitabillty, under the present institutional condition, the public rental housing can be developed in 1, 2, 3 geup-ji. But can nut in 4, 5 geup-ji, 3. For the supply activation of the public rental housing, the institutional condition has to be improved.