Title An Analysis of the Physical Characteristics of a Restaurant District Along Duel-ahn-gil Area in Taegu , Korea
Authors 전상욱 ; 이진욱 ; 홍원화 ; 하재명
Page pp.185-195
ISSN 12269093
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the special urban developmental aspects along Due1-ahn-gi1, an arterial road in Taegu. We analyzed the exterior of buildings, signs, parking spaces, plans, 1ayouts of buildings and compared them with other common commercial facilities in order to study this phenomenon. We know that although the form of the restaurants go against the existing urban developmental pattern, the design of commercial facilities self-controled by the ower generates highter profits and thus regenerates the prosperity of the road. Therefore, in special districts, commercial facilities should not necessarily be forced to follow the existing urban developmental pattern, but be allowed to create a design unique for the sight in a special district.