Title Generalized Hamiltonian considering constraints
Authors 은희창 ; 이영인 ; 정헌수
Page pp.45-52
ISSN 12269107
Abstract The descriptive motion of constrained systems has been a subject of many researchers since Lagrange in l787. However, their approaches based on Lagrangian mechanics required very complicated and difficult procedures, and could not easily determine the motion of nonholonomic systems. Hamilton's mechanics can be considered as another approach to describe the motion of systems without any constraints. Though there have been many attempts to describe the motion of constrained systems based on Hamilton's theorem, those methods don't have provided explicit equations of motion without any multipliers. Though we cannot handle the systems with constraints of explicit time derendence because of keeping time t unvaried, in this study we rresent generalized forms of Hamilton's equations of motion for holonomically and/or nonholonomically constrained Systems