Title A Preliminary Study on the Space Programming of the City Hotel : Focusing on the Interrelationship between Space Programming and its Information Process
Authors 유상욱 ; 정무웅
Page pp.43-50
ISSN 12269093
Abstract 사실→개념→요구→문제’의 일련의 과정을 현실화 시키기 위하여 구분해 보면 ‘목표→사실→개념’은 요망사항(Wants)을 추론해 내 는 과정으로, 동시에 ‘개념→요구’는 요구사항(Needs)으로 구체화시키는 과정으로 구 분되며, Wants ↔ Needs 사이의 현실적 적용 가능성에 있어 결함(Gap)을 추출하는 과 정에서 문제점(Problem)이 발견된다. ; Nowadays, according to the extension and complexity of the city hotel for its usage, function, and social requires, etc., the necessity of programming supporting the architectural design of the city hotel is being increased rapidly. In this study, for the purpose of carrying out the space programming of the city hotel, 'programming model' and 'interrelationship between programming and its information process' are proposed.