Title An Analysis of an Immanent Oblique Line of the Bracketing Set of Ying Zao Fa Shi as a Design Element
Authors 박찬
Page pp.87-94
ISSN 12269093
Abstract When a longer longitudinal bracket laid on a shorter longitudinal bracket in a bracketing set, one recognizes an immanent oblique line which connects the end paets of the longer bracket and the shorter bracket. This phenomenon predicts that an immanent oblique line exists in a bracketing set as a facade design element. But the existence of the oblique line can be also verified theoretically according to Ying Zao Fa Shi. In other words, the slope of the oblique line between the longer bracket and the shorter bracket has the value of √2/1 by an analysis of the composition and demensions of the bracketing set in Ying Zao Fa Shi. The √2/1 slope of the diagonal line of √2 rectangle in dynamic symmetry. Moreover one would find that the two endpoints of the shorter bracket and the longer bracket and a bottom point of capital block align themselves in an oblique line. The slope of this oblique line has the value of √2/1, too. These results can be attrubuted the Immanent oblique line with the slope of √2/1 having functioned as a facade design element of the braketing set of Ying Zao Fa Shi.