Title A Study on the Selection of Qualitative Indicators and the Improvement of Indicative Formulas for the Qualitative Evaluation of the Outdoor Spaces in Multi
Authors 이유미 ; 김성우 ; 강인호
Page pp.19-30
ISSN 12269093
Abstract This study aims to select qualitative indicators and to improve the indicative formulas as a means to evaluate the quality of outdoor spaces in multi-family housing. According to the analysis of correctness and usefulness of qualitative indicators of outdoor spaces, the qualitative indicators(Open Space Ratio, Recreational Open Space Ratio, Facility Space Per House, etc.) are selected. And concerning the utilization of space in Korean multi-family housing, some selected indicative formula are revised to be useful for qualitative evaluation of outdoor spaces. By the case studies of 3 housing sites it makes clear that the improved indicative formulas measure the quality of evaluation of outdoor spaces more exactly than the established indicative formulas do.