Title A Study on the Air Conditioning System of the Perimeter Zone with the Outdoor Fresh Air Conditioner
Authors 전채휘
Page pp.211-218
ISSN 12269093
Abstract The objective of is to the of thermal environment in the perimeter zone with the outdoor fresh air conditioner in office buildings. The system consists of a line diffuser on ceiling, an insulated suction chamber below the window, the fresh air conditioner for perimeter heating load and the interior air conditioner for interior cooling load. Experiments have been carried out by the environmental chamber designed to control artificially air conditioning parameters. The result of this st udy, obtained from the Parametric experimental test for the optimum air conditioning system to pre-vent the cold draft and condensation on windowpane, has shown that the most efficient and suitable conditions are as foll-ows:1)Diffusing air temperature :17'C 2)The distance of diffuser from the windowpane 100mm 3)The suction chamber from the windowpane:350mm 4)Return air volumn for design: 120 ∼ 125C MH/m 5)The distribution of vertical temperature has been within 1.5 between 1800mm and 50mm point above floor level in the perimeter zone 6)The cold radiation effect zone: about 1500mm from win- dowpane