Title Post-Occupancy Evaluation by Residents in Wood-Framed Housing
Authors 권오정
Page pp.11-22
ISSN 12269093
Abstract The demand for wood-framed housing, especially constructed with western light wood frame has recently increased as a new single-family detached housing type. However,a knowledge base that addresses residents' evaluation on their rsidential environment in wood-framed housing has not been defined. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that influence on housing satisfaction for residents in wood-framed housing. A total of 110 respondents, who are living in a type of wood-frame housing, are surveyed to collect the data. The statistical techniques used to analyzed the data are frequency distributions, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t-test one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. The finding explains the personal and housing related characteristics of respondents, types of housing values and degree of the housing satisfaction for respondents in wood-framed housing. Also as a result of significant tests, the factors which affect the housing satisfaction for respondents in wood-framed housing are identified. 키워드 목조주택, 거주후굉가, 주거만족도, 주거가치관 keywords : Wood-Framed Housing, Post-Occupancy Evaluation, Housing Satisfaction, Housing Values