Title A Study on the Structural Characteristics of the ` Ttuljip ` around Andong Cultural Area
Authors 김화봉 ; 조성기
Page pp.191-200
ISSN 12269093
Abstract The Purpose of this study is to bring light on the structural characteristics of the'Ttuljip'that is ㅁ -typed residence around Andong Cultural Area in Chosun Dynasty. The structural part of'Ttuljip' basically consists of the base, the roof and the frame structure. The base's type is classified'flat base', 'stepping base','sloping base'. The roof style of'Ttuljip'was been called'Sosankak and'Woosankak' They Ere combined and generated another style which is can be called the'composite'type. According to the joining system of inner corner. The frame structure is grouped'Mintori'and'Ottori'structure. It's characteristics are as follows : 1) The special feature of the base is the use of'sloping base'. It solidified the foundation to overcome the bad condition of the site and adapt to the environment. 2) The'Sosankak roof is composed of a gable roof with three different levels. The'Woosankak'roof is composed of plane level. The former is useful to natural lighting and small house and slope site. The latter looks better then'Sosankak', and useful large house and flat site. Their structural difference is existence of'Ottori'structure which is different leveled beams in one column.'Ottori'structure is in 'Sosankak'3) The main order of'Anche'is usually composed of'high column'in the'Sosankak'type, and'common column'in the'Woosankak'type. In the case of'regular structural jointing type', the ends of lengthwise and crosswise girders are joined in one column. But in the case of'irregular structural jointing type', they are joined not in one column but in the girder between two columns.