Title A Study on the Daehang Building in Temples of Seoul and Kyongki Province late in the Chosun Dynasty
Authors 주남철 ; 김성도
Page pp.229-240
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Daebang ; Yeombuldang ; Kojong Era
Abstract The Daebang was constructed in the site of the Ru(two-storied in of the main sanctum in Buddhist temples of Seoul and Kyongki province late in the Chosun Dynasty This complex building, consisted of one large room, to, monks'small rooms and kitchen, was one of the important factors forming central domain along with the main building by surrounding the main court. But in spite of its importance, the formative background was not studied by now as well as its definite characteristics. Therefore this study aims at finding out how it was formed and its properties, and for these the then terms related with it and the circumstances of Buddhist society in those days were anal),zed, and the existing Daebang in temples of Seoul and Kyongki province which was constructed in that period was made an object of study As a result of this study, it was revealed that the Daebang, the building for yeombul(i.e., pray to Buddha) was evolved from the Ru under the necessity of space for yeombul and reception by the yeombul-prevalent and reception-valued social background. Also a kunbang(i.e. a large room) for yeombul and a side ru(or both side rues) for a reception and rest were the main elements constituting the Daebang and, for this reason, it was called rubang(ru+bang) sometimes.