Title A Study on the Large Scale Mixed-Use Residential and Commercial Site and Building
Authors 양동양
Page pp.241-250
ISSN 12269093
Abstract This paper deals with the specific issue of how much the MXD method could help alleviate impending problems of cities. In this paper, 1 have made the following conclusion: The problem of empty CBDarea at night would be greatly alleviated if we build mixed-use residential and commercial buildings to increase the number of residents in downtown. As the survey result collected from the CBD residents shows, many CBD residents believe that the construction of mixed-use buildings could be a good solution to theirs problem of residence. Since the CBD residents in mixed-use buildings do not have to drive to work, it will alleviate downtown traffic jam. Therefore, the construction of the mixed-use sites is a highly feasible and worthy project to pursue. And it is widely utilized in the advanced nations to solve the problems of CBD area.