Title A Study on the Assessment of Indoor Environment of Office Building with Underfloor Air-Conditioning (UFAC) System
Authors 정광섭 ; 한화탁 ; 김용식 ; 이은택 ; 김종헌
Page pp.279-286
ISSN 12269093
Abstract During the last few rears, an increasing interest in Underfloor Air-Conditioning(UFA) systems has emerged. This is due mainly to an increased demand from employees for a greater control over their working environment. And, the building and its engineering systems not only have to be designed to achieve the high standards of environmental control at economical cost, but also thermal comfort is an important factor that influences occupants'satisfaction with the indoor office environment. This paper presents the results of a field study of thermal comfort in office building with UFAC system. Physical measurements were made of air temperature, relative humidity, sir velocity, and globe temperature, etc. Furthermore, the concentration of suspended particles, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide in the room was monitored.