Title A Study on Spatial Dynamics of Upper Class Houses in the Chosun
Authors 이금진 ; 김진균
Page pp.193-200
ISSN 12269093
Keywords visual perception ; movement ; space ; dynamics
Abstract Korean traditional architecture is represented in the various spaces where the statical and the dynamical coexisted within the boundary of order and balance. The purpose of this study is to reflect the theme 'Dynamics' in architecture based on the perception of space and psychology, and to conceptualize and to analyze the interrelation of formal element and space composition on the point of dynamics in Korean architecture. It is intended to classify the pattern of Upper Class Houses in the Chosun and to explain the effects of space through dynamics. The specific characters of Korean architecture are divided into formal·spatial dynamics and the dynamics of body-movement and visual perception.
The spatial dynamics found through this study can be noted as follow: repetition of directional movement with continuity, and of the space reposed and divided by this movement; the intercross of visual continuity and spatial independence; and the crossing direction between view and movement, or view and space. The effect of this space is in the relative balance from different formal element, in the strain and rhythm from different spaces, and finally in the sense of independence, wideness, openness, closeness and acceleration.