Title The improvement plan of safety management works and safety relation laws in Korea
Authors 김동춘 ; 김진호 ; 김화중
Page pp.111-120
ISSN 12269107
Keywords safety management work ; safety management laws ; safety management cost ; safety education
Abstract This paper was to suggest improvement plan for safety management and laws related to that after investigating for the actual conditions of those in korea. The main conclusions are as follows;
1. Safety specification and safety standard list must be instituted as standards for safety management are deficient.
2. Relationship between inspectional agencies must be constituted to remove duplicate inspection, as safety inspections are pluralized according to inspectional agencies.
3. After dividing safety laws doubly applied between two government agencies into employee and safety object, unification of contents must be propelled by laws.
4. standard list and basis of unit cost for calculating safety management cost must are prepared.
5. As safety educations by two government agencies are composed of 11 kinds, they must be adjusted to 3 kinds by educational object.
And the expectancies of this paper are that it can be used as efficient data for improvement of system to minimize time and economical loss