Title A Study on the Practice of Pythagorean Number Theory and Consonance in Andrea Palladio's 『I Quattro Libri dell' Architettura』
Authors 남경석 ; 진경돈 ; 이강업
Page pp.113-120
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Andrea Palladio ; Pythagorean Number Theory ; Pythagorean Music Theory ; consonance ; Musical Proportion
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the proportion, the process of generation of numbers and the composition of organi- zational consonance of Palladio's villas according to the Pythagorean number theory and the Consonance. As a result of the analysis, the numbers recorded in the "I Quattro Libri" which deviate from consonance or the ratios of small integral numbers are modified in the process of making conceptual plans. The rule of modification is the thickness of wall. So the numbers include the proportional system working consistently in every part and the whole. As prescribe of the "I Quattro Libri" we see that the relation of every part and the whole in Palladio's works is composed harmonically in the perfect system of consonance.