Title A Study on the Economic Assessment of Heating Energy Source considering Environmental Cost
Authors 권영철 ; 이관호 ; 김기훈
Page pp.169-176
ISSN 12269093
Keywords environmental cost ; midnight electricity ; energy source ; economic efficiency
Abstract This study has tried to evaluate the feasibility of heating system in the aspect of applied energy source through the evaluation of economical efficiency considering environmental cost according to the energy source such as gas, light-oil and midnight electricity. The heating system was divided into two according to the heating capacity as follows - large-scaled system of 300,000kcal/h and small-scaled system of 30,000kcal/h. The heating energy sources were selected as gas, light-oil and midnight electricity. In the evaluation of economical efficiency of heating system, the items of intial cost such as price of boiler, cost for its setting-up and V.A.T., energy cost of annual energy use and environmental cost of annual CO2 emission were used.
As of large-scaled heating system, midnight electricity was proved to be the most profitable on the ground of current price, while gas was more profitable than midnight electricity when the environmental cost was considered.