Title A Study on the Korean Architects' Concept Determinants in Plan Arrangement of Building
Authors 허성제 ; 이동익 ; 박한규
Page pp.21-28
ISSN 12269093
Keywords concept of plan arrangement of building ; determinants ; Korean architects
Abstract Contexts for getting a concept are general philosophy and life value of the designer, the designer's design philosophy, and view of the problem from the designer.
The purpose of this study is to seek Korean architects' concept determinants of the plan arrangement of building by the analysis of design project works in the domestic competition in the last 10 years. In order to acquire those, the literal investigation of the domestic journals which are of PLUS, Architecture Culture, and Ideal Architecture, etc., is employed as a means.
In the results, this study could find seven dimensions and thirty elements from the concept of the plan arrangement of building. Seven dimensions in order of importance are function, means, society, economy, environment, space, and beauty. Thirty elements are outdoor circulation, axis, adjacency & separation, open space, approach, exterior plan, use of contour, facade, view, and friendship with environment, etc..