Title A Study on the Kind of Space and Equipment Situations of Elementary School Facilities : by Analyzing Architectural Plans
Authors 류호섭
Page pp.51-62
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Elementary School ; Plan ; Special Purpose Room ; Teacher's Room
Abstract This paper presents results from analysis of factors such as type of room, number of room, and scale of room in architectural plan drawings of 355 elementary schools recently designed for 4 years.
The purpose of this study is to provide fundamental resources for architectural designing and planning of elementary schools through finding trend and status of elementary school buildings that have no detailed data of area index.
The results of this study are as follows:
1. Various types of room (48 types) are found compared to 1 of 2 types of room in the past. And there are some schools with level-class rooms and middle or large lecture rooms in order to meet the 7th education procedure.
2. 78.9% of the total schools have multi-purpose space that fulfill Open Education, but only 17 schools have appropriate condition in the area, status of composition and the number of the spaces and most of schools dont have such spaces. Therefore, the area, number and composition of multi-purpose spaces should be developed in the future.
3. The number and area of multi-purpose spaces differ much from school to school and the range of width of multi-purpose spaces which face a classroom (56% of total have 4.2m width) is so large.
4. The number of schools which planned Teachers room are increasing these days, but the scale and number of that room have very large range. 65.7% of those rooms are very small to use for teachers research so it needs to be improved.
As a consequence, although new types of room have been developed and the area of those rooms have been increased after 1997, we found that the difference of these factors is large among schools and among regions. Therefore it should be improved in the future.