Title A Study on Improvement of the Urban Design Policies on the Special Districts in Korea
Authors 김기호 ; 임희지
Page pp.127-135
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Design ; Special District ; Small-scale Redevelopment Project ; Negotiation
Abstract Up until now, urban design of Seoul has largely been carried out to guide and control the new developments in the existing city. However, as the city becomes more built up, urban design is now expected to focus more on reconstruction and renovation of existing buildings and improvement of the environmental situations of the surrounding area. In the light of the current trend, this research has been done to propose ways to get the "special districts" effectively implemented for the blighted areas of the existing city.
First, an introduction of "small-scale redevelopment project" which is legally viable to execute is badly needed since these areas consist of small lots and infrastructures of the areas are so poor that the "individual redevelopment" on each lot is impossible. Thus the small-scale redevelopment projects should be operated in collaboration with the special districts. second, "process-oriented urban design strategy" has been proposed in which the range and the details of incentives are determined through negotiation in order to effectively deregulate the ordinances wherever necessary. therefore, both the Introduction of these small-scale redevelopment project and "negotiable urban design strategy" will greatly help to get the special districts effectively implemented and will further play an important role in achieving the public objectives of "urban design at district scale" in Korea.