Title A Study of the Modified AFOSM Analysis for RC Shear Wall
Authors 김요숙 ; 신영수 ; 이화미
Page pp.11-17
ISSN 12269107
Keywords probability ; reliability ; reliability index β ; shear wall ; AFOSM
Abstract The structural design is the process to find an adequate solution that satisfies two conditions what are called the safety and economical efficiency. The economical efficiency includes the loss of life and property from the unexpected destruction besides the cost of construction and maintenance. Therefore, the risk and safety evaluation of buildings is increased. The residual buildings are most popular housing system in Korea. Most common residual buildings are constructed with reinforced concrete shear walls. However, the serviceability and safety of the system have been decreased because of the defeats in design or construction and inadequate maintenance. In addition the safety of the system cannot be evaluated reasonably because the system is analyzed by the deterministic approach. Therefore, this study is aimed to analyze reinforced concrete shear walls with the reliability approach considering uncertainty based on the probability theory.
In this study, a reliability analysis program using MATLAB is developed by combining modified AFOSM and Sampling Method for the reinforced concrete shear walls. The modified AFOSM analysis that overcomes a defeat of the original AFOSM analysis is added by feasible design area method in this research. The reasonable reliability index β of ultimate limit states for RC shear walls are calculated automatically using proposed procedures with the measured data those have means and standard deviations in the field. The ultimate states are compression failure, tension failure, compression failure and bending failure of the reinforced concrete shear walls. New program can be used to predict residual life-time of the system to estimate the safety of the system.