Title An Experimental Evaluation of Fundamental Frequency and Damping Ratio for Tuned Liquid Damper Considering Blocks on Wall
Authors 주영규
Page pp.35-43
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Tuned Liquid Damper ; Damping Ratio ; Vibration Control ; Fundamental Frequency
Abstract Water tanks at the top of tall buildings can be directly remodeled as a vibration control device, TLD. Since most of the tank in korea has embossment on the wall, the structural characteristics are different from those of other countries. As the damping ratio of the TLD depends on several factors such as the magnitude, the frequency of applied load, the shape of the tank, wall roughness, and so forth, it is difficult to evaluate the control performance of the tank exactly. In this paper, the characteristics of TLD with embossments are experimentally evaluated. The parameters of the test are number of wire screens, aspect ratios, forcing frequencies, and excitation magnitudes. The equations for frequency and damping ratio depending on specific parameters are proposed and verified by comparing with test results. It is concluded that the proposed equations are reliable for the evaluation of the characteristics of TLD with embossments.