Title The Behavior and the Design Strength of T-joints Composed of Circular Hollow Section Members
Authors 정승훈 ; 이명재
Page pp.53-60
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Circular Hollow Section Members ; T-Joints ; Loading Test
Abstract The objective of this study is to investigate the behavior of T-joints of truss composed of circular hollow section members comparing with design code. The behavior of T-joints, which is simple joints type of circle tubular truss, was investigated by experimental test and analysis method.
The essential parameters of experimental tests are the diameter to thickness ratio, the ratio of brace diameter to chord diameter and the ratio of brace thickness to chord thickness. The ultimate strength from the experimental results was compared with the AIK(1) and CIDECT(2) code for T-joints in welded circular hollow section members and their behaviors were compared with FEM analysis results on the initial stiffness and the deformation of T-joints.
(1) AIK : Architectural Institute of Korea
(2) CIDECT : Commite International pour le Devel-oppement et I'Etude de la Construction Tubulaire