Title Behavior Analysis of Connections in Form-Shore System Considering Construction Situations
Authors 김호수 ; 정성진 ; 곽순섭 ; 여윤기
Page pp.83-91
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Form-Shore System ; Construction Situation ; Concrete Placement Path ; Contact Model ; Contact Force
Abstract The lateral force causing the collapse of form-shore system during concrete placement occurs by eccentric loading due to concrete placement paths. For the resistance to the lateral force, nails should be used to fix the ends of the shores to the upper form in construction sites, but workers generally don't use nails for only convenience in removing the shores after construction. Also, although nails are used, their main aims are only to restrain the initial displacements of shores. In this case, lateral forces can be supported by the frictional forces between form and shore instead of the resistance of nails.
In this study, the connections of form-shore system are modeled as a contact problem, based on these construction situations under the actual site research. And, the partially distributed loadings due to concrete placement paths are applied in the behavior analysis of form-shore system. Therefore, the safety of form-shore system can be effectively evaluate by analyzing the contact forces according to various contact conditions.