Title A Study on the Properties of High Volume Fly-Ash Concrete According to the Replacement Method and Ratio of Fly-Ash
Authors 김무한 ; 권영진 ; 최세진 ; 강석표 ; 심재형
Page pp.123-130
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Fly-Ash ; Replacement Method ; Replacement Ratio ; Setting Time ; Compressive Strength ; Tensile Strength ; Carbonation Depth
Abstract Recently, the use of fly-ash as a part of cement content in concrete is very common. But, it has been indicated that the compressive strength of concrete using large amount of fly-ash as a part of cement content in early age is low and carbonation velocity is fast. To solve those problems, High Volume Fly-Ash Concrete which contained large amount of fly-ash as a part of fine aggregate has been proposed.
This is an experimental study to compare and analyze the properties of High Volume Fly-Ash Concrete according to the replacement method and ratio of fly-ash. For this purpose, the mix proportion of concrete according to the replacement method(PL, IN50, IN100, IN150, EX50, EX100, EX150) and replacement ratio(FA0, 10, 20, 35, 50, 70) was selected. And then slump, setting time, bleeding, compressive strength, tensile strength and carbonation test were performed.
According to test results, it was found that the compressive strength of the concrete using the fly-ash as a part of fine aggregate(EX) was higher and the carbonation depth is smaller than that of the concrete using the fly-ash as a part of cement content(IN). And, the compressive strength of the EX concrete increased in early age as well as in long term age as the fly-ash content increased. And the carbonation depth of EX concrete is decreased as the fly-ash content increased.