Title The Meaning of the Parody in Contemporary Architecture : Case Study of the Piazza d'Italia of Charles Moore
Authors 홍종덕 ; 오덕성
Page pp.95-102
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Parody ; Post-modernism ; Sign ; Irony ; Charles Moore ; Piazza d'Italia
Abstract The past must be treated at the present under any circumstances, nevertheless the past is too far from the present. This paradoxical faith is said “allegorical impulse” of Post-modernism and Linda Hutcheon called it “Parody”. Linda Hutcheon gives a definition of "a repetition in difference" which is not a narrow meaning like a ridicule, wit, and satire but a most neutral and extended concept. This concept is obviously made a distinguish from a frank pastiche or a random repetition.
In consequence, The purpose of this research is as follows. ; First, This research aims to interpretate a post-modern architecture, which was expressed in modernistic expropriation of tradition as the meaning of parody. Second, the present and past are continuous one, but the difference between them ironically exists in the history. The parody emphasize the its contradiction. So, this is to aim to investigate, from a semiological point of view, the parody of traditional architecture languages are changed to the meaningful quality including forms and functions.