Title |
A Study on the Characteristic Analysis of the Landscape Preference to Arranged Type of Located High-rise Apartments at the Street |
Keywords |
arrangement type ; organizing factor of physical form ; mental response ; degree of preference·view blockage image ; |
Abstract |
This study is proposed to analyze the characteristic of landscape preference about locating high-rise apartments at the street. The result analyzed by the organizing factor of the physical form and the evaluation of the mental response, It is as follow. 1) The collective apartment’s area is classified with the angle, horizontal, ㄱ, anti-ㄱ, crossing angle and ㄷ type in connecting with streets. In these cases, The screening rate of the apartment's area of horizontal and anti-ㄱ type is analyzed above 80 percent, in addition to the visual opening is reducing. 2) The favorite type is presented to the order of crossing, ㄷ, ㄱ, right angle and horizontal type. But, anti-ㄱ type is analyzed to the most inferior landscape. It can be inferred that the degree of screening angle to building is related with degree of preference at street. 3) The crossing angle and ㄷ type shows the physical response which is active, various and interested. On the other hand, the horizontal type is uniform, simple, common and boring. Also, the ㄱ type is presented to the physical response which is closed and oppressive. 4) The factors, effecting to the degree of preference in streetscape, are presented to arranged type, harmonizes with the surrounded landscape and crowded form playing an important part. Also, the intentional factor should be considered the first to the street because of the high relation with the visual closing of pedestrian. |