Title The Case Study of User Participation Before Starting the Finish Work in Apartment
Authors 임상인 ; 천봉기 ; 서기영
Page pp.129-136
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment ; User Participation ; Satisfaction ; utilization device
Abstract The purpose of this study is to propose the utilization device of user participation method before starting finish work by complementing the current sale regulation, and to show the anticipated positive effect according to introduction of this user participation method. To do this, the survey has been carried out to a applied case and been drawn the result by satisfaction.
As the result, firstly, user participation method before starting finish work makes the opportunity of choice and increases satisfaction wider. secondly, it can be expected cost saving and environmental pollution preventing which are resource waste and solid waste can be reduced. Lastly, various plan and finish work can be appeared in the same unit type because of easy to respond to user‘s demands.