Title An Experimental Study on the Optimum Zone of Thermal Comfort Index in Radiant Floor Heating System
Authors 이용철 ; 정광섭
Page pp.137-143
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Optimum Zone ; Thermal Comfort Index ; Radiant Floor Heating
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of thermal comfort index and to present the optimum zone of it through the regression analysis and the experiment in laboratory with radiant floor heating system. Results were compared to the comfort zone of ISO-7730, and the applicability of thermal comfort index to radiant floor heating system were studied.
The results of this study were summarized as the followings:
Comparing the sedentary posture in floor with that in chair, the optimum zone and neutral point of comfort index showed differently. It is considered that the element of the conduction from floor with human is due to be insufficient. Moreover, we could find the correlation between the thermal sensation votes of subjects and comfort index were lower than those by calculation. Comparing with the comfort zone of ISO-7730, the thermal sensation vote ranged from -0.20 to +1.17 at sedentary posture in floor , -0.40~+0.88 at that in chair, respectively.