Title Characteristics on the air velocity and temperature distribution from the diffuser that generates rotational and directional air flow for the under floor air-conditioning system
Authors 김용식 ; 이은택 ; 하승운
Page pp.145-151
ISSN 12269093
Abstract The free access floor system has been widely used in the new intelligent office room to handle a lot of communications lines transmitting the considerable amount of informations. Additionally, the demanding of comfortable working condition of occupants has been increased in the point of increasing work efficiency. The under floor air-conditioning system has been attracting to architects and building owners as one of valuable systems for the renovated and newly concepted office building.
This paper presents an overview of the under floor air-conditioning system. And the air velocity and temperature distribution from the characterized diffuser were measured and evaluated in detail. Where, the characterized diffuser is to make rotational and directional air flow in the under floor air-conditioning system.