Title |
A Study on the Modular Coordination Dimensions of Wall in the Multifamily Housing |
Keywords |
MC dimension ; wall-type apartment ; construction error ; normal probability distribution ; Schwart |
Abstract |
Since 1960's, Modular Coordination has been introduced to develop the building industries. Until now, the concept of MC has not been straightly applied into practice and could not found the successive examples. But the government strategily took efforts to provide the nation-wide MC standard for the building industries and brought up much research reports and institutions in 1994. The MC design of wall-type apartment housing could be summarized as element make-up line which endows the regular space into the reinforced concrete wall in design stage. The regular space forwardly get rid of the construction error, which possibly occurres at construction and other elements during the attachment at the RC wall. MC dimensions of 180㎜ thickness wall is proceeded into two steps. First, it measures and establishes the construction error of RC wall. For this, it surveyed and sampled 5,568 numbers according to building parts. And it analyzed the measurements using normal probability distribution and Schwart's -s chart. It finally established the construction error by calculating the analyzed results with arithmetic mean technique. Second, it provided the MC dimension of RC wall which has various thickness according to the surface elements with the established construction error resulted from first step. The results are as follows : The Construction error of 180㎜ thickness wall is about 3.52㎜, which corresponds to 2.0% of 180㎜ thickness. The MC dimension of wall has various scope from 190㎜ to 380㎜ according to the building elements and thickness of surface element. |