Title An Application System for Actual Construction Information Management of Apartment Housing Projects
Authors 김선국 ; 박형재 ; 김태희
Page pp.147-154
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Apartment housing projects ; Actual construction data ; Web-based system
Abstract Various information derived from the construction phase can be usefully applied to each phase of similar future projects. In the advanced countries such as the U.K., the U.S.A. and Japan, actual construction data of completed projects are collected and stored systematically with a standard form and effectively applied to the planning, design, construction and maintenance phases of new projects, whereas the data kept in dead storage in Korea. It is because there are no standard form and no system for collection and management of construction data.
In this paper, a standard form that can be used for the efficient manipulation of actual data and a web-based system with which the data can be rapidly collected and effectively utilized are proposed for apartment housing projects. The form consists of the brief description of project, resources such as cost, manpower and equipment, some important features of the project on hand. The use of the proposed system can help project participants to save the time for collecting, managing and searching of the data and applying it to a particular project and to enhance their work performance and reduce project cost