Title A Study on the Shear Capacities of Lightweight Concrete Beams
Authors 김우석 ; 백승민 ; 이영미 ; 류기찬 ; 곽윤근
Page pp.19-28
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Lightweight Concrete ; Shear Strength
Abstract Lightweight and higher compressive strengths are two of most desired characteristics to improve the use of concrete as a construction material. Although these characteristics are very desirable, most of the work has concentrated on normal weight aggregate concrete and information on lightweight concrete is very little. The objective of this study is to evaluate the shear strength of lightweight concrete beams and is to compare the proposed equation with the previous equation for predicting the shear strength of lightweight concrete beams. Based on earlier published studies and tests, predictive equation is proposed for evaluating the shear strength of lightweight concrete beams. The proposed equation gave good prediction for the shear strength of the tested beams.