Title A Study on the Development of the Evaluation Model and Computerizing Program of Apartment Building Considering Environmental Loads and Costs
Authors 이관호 ; 권영철 ; 이언구
Page pp.159-166
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Economic Analysis ; Evaluation Model ; Life Cycle Cost ; Computerizing Program ; Environmental Costs
Abstract This study aims to present an evaluation model to calculate the environmental load and costs, and analyze the economic profits considering the amount of consumed energy and generated CO2 at each stage of building construction, use and disposal. This study focuses on the main materials of remicon, reinforced iron, cement brick, cement and glass which are largely used in apartment buildings. The results of the feasibility study on the evaluation model through computer simulation and the economic analysis considering the environmental load and costs are as follows. The evaluation model can be used not only for calculating the environmental load and costs but also for the comparative analysis of the environmental load and economic profits. Besides, it can be useful device to preview the environmental impacts of each construction stage, so it is possible to reduce the environmental load through the reasonable management at respective constructing activity at early design step.