Title A Study on the Mechanical Properties of Precoated Recycled Aggregate Concrete
Authors 이세현 ; 서치호
Page pp.85-92
ISSN 12269107
Keywords recycled aggregate concrete ; precoated aggregate ; mechanical properties ; penetrating surface hardener - solution of silicate composite ; precoated aggregate
Abstract This study was executed to improve the low quality of recycled aggregate by reducing absorption ratio, filling internal/external voids, and improving adhesion of mortar. Recycled aggregate was precoated using penetrating surface hardener - solution of silicate composite. Concrete was manufactured mixing precoated and non-precoated recycled aggregate. The result represents that the absorption ratio of recycled aggregate was degraded 40% lower than that of precoating treatment and precoated recycled aggregate concrete was higher than non-precoated recycled aggregate concrete in compressive strength, bending strength. Moreover, precoated recycled aggregate concrete was upgraded about 9~27% upper than non-precoated concrete in case of mechanical properties. It is caused by adhesion to be developed by precoating treatment.