Title An Evaluation of Safety Management Performance in Head Office and Job Site of Large Construction Firms
Authors 손창백 ; 박찬식 ; 홍성호 ; 최석인
Page pp.135-142
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Construction Accidents ; Construction Safety Management ; Safety Management Performance ; Accident rate
Abstract A continuous improvement of safety performance is one of the desired goals of a successful construction organization. In order to improve the safety performance of construction projects, effective and corporative safety management program between head office and job site must be implemented. And its performance must be measured and analyzed for the identification of the problems in the safety management area. This study aims to analyze the safety management performance of domestic large construction firms. It is expected that the survey results can be utilized to establish the construction safety program effectively. The study performed questionnaire survey with 42 large construction firms. The criteria used in the Supermerit Certification System were chosen and examined by 9 industry experts. Based on the 6-year accident rate(0.845) of 42 firms, the firms are classified into 2 groups(below average accident rate and above average accident rate). The detailed scope of the analysis are as follows: 1) examination by areas and items, 2) comparison between the groups, 3) correlations between head office and job site.