Title A Study on the Spatial Organization of Major Areas in Geriatric Hospitals
Authors 김성한 ; 강건희
Page pp.27-34
ISSN 12269093
Keywords elderly ; medical welfare facility.Geriatric Hospital ; institution standard ; architectural space organization ;
Abstract In Korea, it was able to be find many aspect of Medical care system for the elderly. but It has no standard or basics..The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data for architectural planning of the hospitals for the elderly through analysis of Health and Social Affairs and Medical laws, in order to formulate basic institutional standards. The study is based on analysis of space organization system of five Geriatric Hospital in Korea and one in Japan emphasizing outpatients section, clinical testing section, general ward section, senile dementia ward section and Hospice ward section. This paper aimes to identify the design concept of hospitals for the elderly and provide the basic data for architectural planning of these hospitals.