Title A Systematic Approach for Developing Interior Design Color Palette Based on Regression Analysis of Digital Color
Authors 이현수 ; 장성주 ; 김은정
Page pp.85-93
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Color palette ; Regression analysis ; CMYK color model
Abstract Various color models have been developed to represent color as a synthetic construct of its component attributes. The CMYK color model is based on a mathematical framework efficient for digitally planning and processing the colors in interior design domain. The CMYK color model correlated with the Munsell system would also increase usability and effectiveness. In this study, we suggest a computationally assisted systematic method to develop a color palette useful for interior design. A continuous process of sampling, statistical analysis, and computational manipulation has been performed to derive a desirable color palette. Firstly, color samples have been extracted from the representative interior design cases of houses, offices, and commercial spaces. Secondly, the interrelationships among C, M, Y, and K values in all samples have been statistically analyzed followed by calculating the number of elements in the numerically categorized sets for C, M, or K value. New CMYK combinations were generated by using selected sets of C, M, or K value showing relatively dominant presence in the original samples. Then, the statistically extracted correlational function is used to propose a complete list of CMYK color combinations for interior design. The resulting CMYK combinations were then converted into the values represented in the Munsell color system. We envision that the proposed approach can increase both applicability and efficiency of the resulting color palette by considering both intuitive and mathematical color models with the support of a computational data processing technique.