Title The Socio-economical Background and Characteristics of Plan of Urban Traditional Housing in Seoul of 1930s
Authors 박철진 ; 전봉희
Page pp.95-106
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 1930s ; Kyung-Seong ; Urban traditional housing ; Dwelling as a commercial product ; Socio-economical Background
Abstract In 1930s, because of an increase in population, a housing shortage of Kyung-Seong(Seoul) had became intensified. This housing shortage brought growth of new houses on Kyung-seong. in 1930s, one of the most popular housing type was urban traditional housing. It was the first ready-made housing in korea and also notify the birth of housing type. To investigate its characteristics as a commercial product, this study have paid attention to the socio-economic background of construction of urban traditional housing. The main consumer of urban traditional housing was the landowner who had migrated from rural communities and the owner of rental house. And because the construction costs of urban traditional housing was relatively lower than that of other housing type, the urban traditional housing was adopted by the housing construction company. And the social and economic background endow urban traditional housing with characteristics as a commercial product. The characteristics is identified in manipulation of the number of bay, use of standard timber, and promoting utility value of a vestibule as a rental house etc.