Title An Experimental Study on the Physical properties of Foamed Concrete with Blast-Furnace Slag
Authors 오세출 ; 서치호 ; 김대회
Page pp.59-67
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Blast-Furnace Slag(BFS) ; Foamed Concrete ; Bulk specific gravity ; Foaming agent
Abstract This study are aiming for producing the foamed concrete mixed with Blast-Furnace Slag, examining the variation of the mechanical properties of foamed concrete and offering the data to engineer for quality control on site. The experiment was being processed with mixing the Blast-Furnace Slag maximum 60% by stages which was mainly basis on the practical mixture. The results of the experiment are as follows. In the case of using blast furnace slag substitute for cement, it was showed that the foam stabilization was satisfactorily maintained as compared against foamed concrete with the normal cement. As a result, it was reduced the bulk specific gravity and the absorption ratio, and was increased compressive strength oppositely. The performance of the compressive strength of the foamed concrete mixed with Blast-Furnace Slag seemed not to be much influenced by the use of Blast-Furnace Slag in early stage of age. But after 7 days of age, the compressive strength showed an increase as compared against the foamed concrete mixed with cement only.