Title Classification by Envelope System and Performance Evaluation of Refrigerated Warehouse in Korea
Authors 안홍섭 ; 송진규 ; 석호태 ; 황혜주 ; 송승영
Page pp.79-85
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Refrigerated warehouse ; Envelope system ; Classification of style ; Performance evaluation
Abstract The purpose of this study is to propose data to develop proper method and technics for refrigerated warehouse. Thus we have investigated present conditions and classified style and evaluated properties of refrigerated warehouse. The results of this study is as follows. As far refrigerated houseware guild desires method, technics and materials to save initial and running cost, it is insufficient to develop design method and construction technics. It is necessary to investigate technic conditions of guild and to proclaim systematic technical manual to guild. In this study, we have classified 4 styles of refrigerated warehouse by concrete wall, material system and evaluated properties of each styles. Style 1 is admirable in economic part, style 4 in fire safty part, style 1,4 in structure part. It is good to choose models of refrigerated warehouse to match storage condition and materials with that because each style has each merit.